From Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Ashley Geraets is an artist, powerlifter, and vegan studying environmental engineering and Japanese. Her dream is to see Earth’s ecosystems restored and an end to both human and animal suffering!
- What made you interested in submitting to Scribendi?
Scribendi was promoted to me by my institution’s honors program. I thought it would be a great opportunity to share my art.
- There are many high-stress tasks that are required of a college student, how do you manage the pressure that come along at moments and still find time for your art?
I find that I have pretty decent time-management skills, and I strive to be as productive as possible when I know I have something to finish. This leads me to always have at least some time to work on art – whether it’s a quick doodle before bed, painting cards for loved ones, or working on a more-serious piece.
- Being an artist, what do you believe are some of the most rewarding moments or accomplishments you undertook?
The completion of many of the pieces I created last year has probably been the most rewarding art-experience I’ve had thus far. Usually, I tend to really pick-apart and dislike my pieces even when I finish, but last year I actually liked how a lot of my work came out. This was a milestone for me and my confidence as an artist.
- Based on your experience with your own pieces of art, what suggestions would you give creators before they submit to Scribendi?
Although it’s great to always want to add more to a piece and improve it, there comes a point where you just have to stop and be as satisfied as you can!
- What are some suggestions you would give to another student who might be struggling to find time for artistic expression?
Take note of the amount of time you may spend “wasting time” – the time you spend on your phone, procrastinating, streaming shows online, etc. You can allocate all or even just part of this time to pursue your hobbies! I promise you have more time than you think.
- If you could pick one memory of significance during your time in creating your Scribendi submission, what would it be?
For me, I think the most memorable part of working on this piece was when I started adding all of the sparkly details. This is what really opened the piece up to me; it was when I started to appreciate how it was turning out.
- Equipped with the knowledge and skills you gained through this last school year with balancing your needs, what are your plans to put those skillsets into practice for your later academic or professional career?
This past semester, I’ve been involved in the development of CSU’s 2020 Climate Action Plan. I’ve learned a lot through this involvement, and it’s started to direct me to how exactly I want to use my environmental engineering major. I think it’d like to work with agriculture to reduce carbon emissions and mitigate climate change. Of course, I still will continue to use my art to advocate for environmental issues as well!
- Is there anything you would like to tell people today? (a personal quote or mantra, an inspiration for others, or maybe something you want to say about your art or yourself)
I’m not the most inspirational person, but I think people should just do more of what they like. Don’t just get involved with something because it might “look good” on a resume – get involved with what interests you and what you actually enjoy!