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Historical Facts:

This edition of Scribendi came into fruition along with a new decade. In its design, Scribendi 2020 is inspired by themes from the forms of the 20’s art deco movement of a century ago. In addition, this is the first year we had to plan a digital release during a global pandemic that made us work and think in new and creative ways.

What you’ll find in this issue: The 2020 edition features work by forty-five Honors students from seventeen schools across the country. Included in this edition you will find hidden puns, curious collages, and a zine that you can take out of the magazine and fold yourself. If youd like to hold the physical copy in your hands, you can order the print edition herePlease donate 10$ to help cover mailing, printing, and general operating costs. You can also download a digital edition by clicking on the cover above. 

Table of Contents

 Category  Contributor Name  Title of Piece
 Creative Nonfiction  Kathryn Wylie  Austin
 Jesse Lauze  Killer College Kid Soup
 Tessa Vroom  Scrabble with the Dead
 Julia Daricek  How to Speak Latin
 André Watson  Three Card Monte
 Short Fiction  Emily Morrison  Brood
 Maithu Koppolu  Sunscreen
   Alec Lepisto  Fugue
 Alexandria Wiesel  Prime
   Brynnah Glas  Henryk
Poetry  Nina Palattella  Root
 Stu Nolan  Humble Love to Spiral Jetty
 Erin Benton  An Address on the Fragmentation of My Self
 Jordan Carey  tangerine queen
 Petra Ellerby  The Waste Land
 Nain Christopherson  In the Kitchen, Water Rumbles with the Roil of My Blood
 Leah Nordlund  How to Listen to Your Body
 Caelyn White  My Grandfather’s Apartment
 Christian Capuno  Deluge
 Jade Braden  Raccoon Synergy
 Stella Nall  Be Free, Earlton Skree
 Lucy Tayco Price  Some Things I Have Done, Some Things I Have Not
 Skylar Tibbetts  girls in a connecticut summer
 Foreign Language  Christina Lee  잃어버린 시간    Lost Time
 Herman Chavez  amor crece en un jardín imposible.   love grows in an impossible garden.
 Mohammad Azeem Khan  عش حرا، يا وطن أجدادي    Live Free, Dear Country
 Kulsoom Mohammad  خواب    In Dreams
 Photography Jenika Staben  Morning Stretch
 Kiana Rose  Alien Landing
 Kiana Rose  Lone Ewe
 Ethan Swanberg  Limelight
 Noah Grabe  Hypnotization
 Emma Beauchamp  Beautiful Now
 Hyunju Blemel  삼세대  자화상     Sam-se-dae Ja-hwa-sang (Three Generations Self-Portrait)
 Hyunju Blemel  웅녀춤 자화상    Ungnyeo Chūm Ja-hwa-sang (Bear Woman Dance Self-Portrait)
 Jenika Staben  Life in Motion
 Visual Art  Carolyn Summerford  Demonio
 Stella Nall  Boobs Are Measured In Cups, You Know
 Jessie Hertz  Alphabet Vaults
 Ethan Swanberg  Free Fall
 Ashley Geraets  失われた海    Lost Ocean
 Tressa Marre  “I would hide my face in you and you would hide your face in me, and nobody would ever see us any more”
 Tressa Marre  Wrath and Mercy
 Pablo Ayala  Pompeii
 Caleb Brenden  Breakfast
 Vanessa Krajeck  The Lady and the Rock
 Ashley Geraets  大自然之女的馈赠    Gift of the Daughter of Nature
 April Kinney  Lizards
 Isabel Heiland  Amanita muscaria
 Open Media  Nora Vanesky  media projections
 Jenika Staben  The Ballerina Method
 Lauren Sarkissian  Nothing



Enjoy our open media pieces below!

media projections by Nora Vanesky

This short film layers figurative metaphors with literal representations to create a hyperreal critique of how the projection of media can affect our everyday lives.

The two characters warn against labels that restrict our personalities and influence us to present a false narrative of ourselves and distill our endless capabilities. Media presents a vague expectation of how people should look, act, and consume information, which distorts the true essence of our everyday life. We blindly follow unspoken rules to ensure our acceptance within the seemingly unified world but are each facing our own battles.

The messages projected by media affect each of us in a different way, but we can choose to listen or silence the negative voices. The true act of rebellion is to alter the roar of media into a faint whisper so as not to give power to the overwhelming voices. Instead, we focus on one another and choose to create real connections that are not just projections.

The Ballerina Method by Jenika Staben

Starting with warmups and stretches, this black and white short film sequences through one dancer’s core rituals in ballet before a performance. Ballerinas prepare their bodies for defined and expressive movements that are meticulously repeated for unity and poise.

Every detail from the placement of their hands to their pointe shoe’s ribbon wrapped tightly around their ankles is crucial to their routine. Endlessly repeating leaps and turns allows for a smooth performance, but once it is over, they must go back to the barre and restart the ballerina method.

This process of stretching, pointing, and leaping is repeated over and over to improve themselves, their skills, and their routine. All this effort and precision is put forth to achieve the everchanging perfection of ballet.

Nothing by Lauren Sarkissian